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Month of Giving. You Save, We Give.

Save up to 20% on select products & We donate $5 to a charity of your choice!
Use code: PGR20 at checkout and a donation of $5 will be made for one of the five charities of your choosing.

Some of the world’s most influential leaders understood the importance of giving back, while others have made it their life’s work. As a company we believe that giving back is a required tenet of a fruitful society and necessary to make our world a better place. For the entire month of December, the 1STOPlighting family will be doing our part to support those in need by launching our “Month of Giving” campaign. Through our valued partners we are committed to donating $5 on every order to a charity of your choice when you purchase from our site. We have partnered with five exceptional foundations that have furthered research, community health, global outreach and public policy initiatives in order to make the biggest impacts in their respective areas. #1STOPMonthOfGiving

How Does it Work?

After you have completed your order, don’t leave just quite yet. On the order confirmation page, you will see a list of charities to choose from (see right for example). Please select one that is near and dear to your heart and we will donate $5 of your order to that charity!

Month of Giving - How does it work?

  Learn More About the Participating Charities:

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

They provide affordable housing around the world by bringing volunteers together to build, renovate, and repair homes for less fortunate communities. Their objective is to work towards a world where every person has a decent and safe place to live, regardless of income. Visit site

Animal Rescue Foundation

Animal Rescue Foundation

ARF is a national leader in the animal welfare industry co-founded by Elaine and Tony La Russa in 1991. Headquartered in Walnut Creek, California, the nonprofit receives no government funding and is an accredited four-star charity. ARF’s core mission is the rescue of dogs and cats who have run out of time at public shelters, giving them a chance at life until a new home can be found. ARF couples this focus with innovative programs strengthening the human-animal bond for children, seniors, veterans, and people in disadvantaged circumstances.Visit site

Make-A-Wish Foundation

Make-A-Wish Foundation

Tens of thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish® vision to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a critical illness. In the United States and its territories, on average, a wish is granted every 34 minutes. We believe a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us and inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve. Visit site

National Down Syndrome Society

National Down Syndrome Society

The National Down Syndrome Society envisions a world in which all people with Down syndrome have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations and become valued members of welcoming communities.

Located in Sacramento, CA, our mission was created by homeless women expressing their needs and a community coming together with a desire to end homelessness–for good. Visit site

Red Cross

Red Cross

Each day, thousands of people – people just like you – provide compassionate care to those in need. Our network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world. We roll up our sleeves and donate time, money and blood. We learn or teach life-saving skills so our communities can be better prepared when the need arises. We do this every day because the Red Cross is needed - every day.Visit site